Summary: Huck and Jim escape the crazy feud and are sailing down the river in a raft for a few peaceful day then they tie up under a dead toe-head ti hide the raft and when they go on land they find the King and Dauphin (or at least that is who they say they are) running from the cops so they let them come aboard. They told stories of who they were and who they used to be. then they sailed down the river but because they are a king and a duke Huck and Jim had to sleep outside in a storm. When they got to the next town the king and duke went to work because they are really con men. The duke set up a fake printing press and sold adds for a news paper and also made a wanted poster so it looked like Jim was a runaway so the could travel in the daytime, he made about 9.50 dollars doing this. Huck and the king went to a group meeting for sinners and the king told a lie about how he was a pirate and he needed money to go back to the sea and stop the other pirated so he passed a hat around and made 87 dollars. then they got on the raft and started heading further south.
New Characters: we have not learned their real names yet but they are under the persona's of the King and the Duke. The duke is supposed to be the duke of bilge water who lost his way, he is really a conman though. The King is supposed to be the son of Looy the 16th.
Persona's: The duke which is already a persona pretends to be a publisher of a news paper and the king pretends to be a pirate that has changed his ways.
Theme: the theme of gullibility when it comes to the town and Jim because they believe anything the king or duke say.
Lit. Device: Twain is using a satire about Rome and Juliet because he is making fun of Romanticism.
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