Monday, October 17, 2011

Scarlet Letter D.J. # 16 - Chapter 8: Part 2.

"the physician as well as friend of the young minister, whose health had severely suffered, of late, by his too unreserved self-sacrifice to the labors and duties of the pastoral relation." (second paragraph on pg. 96 but continues on page 97) Dimmesdale is obviously loves his job as the Reverend, so you would think that someone who is so devoted to what they do would never do anything to lose it. Sadly peoples emotions can sometimes control them, and he must have loved Hester because I don't think he would do something like this without being in love. Whats ironic is that him and Roger are friends. They are unaware of whom each other are. What Roger does not know is that the man standing next to him is the person he has been searching for from that day in the prison, and the man that he is going to "not get revenge on".

1 comment:

  1. Dimmesdale loves his job so much at minister that he will forsake his love for Hester. Is this right? Does this fit in with his suffering?
