Wednesday, September 21, 2011

study questions 5 pg. 157

1a.) To debate it

2a.) The army is already there there is no way to avoid it

3a.) He was fine with it and ready for it and he wanted it to come

4a.) The British first put taxes on the colonists and then the colonists rebel so the English put more taxes one them, shut down Boston harbor and send soldiers to Boston to be housed

1b.) Because that if he doesn't then no one else will and if he doesn't that he is going against his country and god also that if he doesn't that Britain will take over the colonies

2b.) Because he thinks that the king is just ignoring them and is still going to wage war

3b.) That they would become slaves and that he would rather DIE!!!! (give me liberty or give me DEATH!!)

4b.) To take the soldiers out of Boston and signing the petition that they gave him

5b.) Some of the people in Russia believe the same thing because The Russian People’s Freedom Party were denied registration as a political party in Russia, and over 3,000 of them killed themselves because they could not be free

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